Come on out Saturday from 8:00 am-1:00 pm to the Botetourt Farmer's Market at Ikenberry's Orchard and find the following delicious farm fresh goodies:
-I will have Colby style goat cheese, goat milk soap, chocolate covered peanut
butter fudge (with goat milk), dulce de leche, and goat milk ricotta cheese
cakes. -Anna Bedell, White Oak Dairy
Full Circle Farm hopes to see you guys at Ikenberrys on Saturday morning with freshly milled breads, pizza crusts, mixes and other assorted goodies. Our meat is still happily grazing out in our wonderful pastures, but we hope to offer pork, lamb and beef before you know it (around October). Be sure and ask Patrick to show you a sample of our beautiful wool hiking socks. Locally grown hiking socks made from our sheep's wool. They are a beautiful dark gray, nice and thick. Perfect for gifts for those outdoors folks on your list. Pre-order now!
Hillbilly Heaven will be there with specialty jams-Hot pineapple, Hot orange, Black-pepper, Raz-apple, Blue-lemon, and peach, blackberry, and strawberry. We'll have pickles, Dills, sweet dills, spicy dills, sweet pickles, and crisp as ice. We will also have crumb buns, banana nut bread, zucchini bread, bulls eye using my blue-lemon jam (my grandmom’s recipe), and cinnamon buns. I have some spaghetti squash to sell also.
Unfortunately, Better Batter Baking will not be there tomorrow. I am, however, able to take orders for next Saturday or it can be arranged where items can be delivered earlier in the week. Just call or email me. 797-5926 or betterbatterbaking@gmail.com
Wendy Hayth-Perdue
Berry Ridge Farms will be there with our GLUTEN FREE BREAD, and any many other special offerings for the week !! Hope to see you all there!!
Earl and I will be at the market with Freshly Milled Whole Grain Breads, Fresh baked goods and home canned tomatoes, jams, jelly's, pickles, and lots more. See ya'all there! Linda and Earl
Hi everyone, I'll be there (my last week here!) with cranberry orange
scones, sticky buns, jams and jelly, lemon poppy seed muffins, and
chocolate bourbon cake. -Emily Field
We'll miss you, Emily. She's going back to school in Vermont.
Welcome! My husband, Al, "the soap man" will be at the Market Saturday, also. Please stop and say hi. Randee Mahon, Keltic Myst
Squash Central, uh - Brambleberry Farm - will bring eggs, summer squashes, Seminole winter squash, cucumbers, beans, vinegars, chocolate zucchini bread, and pickles..
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