Monday, January 3, 2011

Attend the Growers Academy

Start Your Vegetable or Flower Production Business Today

Hurry Space is Limited!

Register on-line at by January 5, 2011.

Participants will learn from a variety of resource professionals, established producers and retail/wholesale consumers.

Benefits of Attending:

Develop a business, marketing, and crop plan

Learn low-input production techniques

Receive a preliminary membership to VT EarthWorks, an incubation program for agricultural businesse

Provided space to sell at a nearby Farmers Market

Eligible to lease land at the Catawba Sustainability Center in Catawba, VA

Become part of a larger network of local food growers and buyers

Date: Tuesday nights, January 11th through March 1st 2011

Time: 6-9 pm

Location: VT Roanoke Center in the Higher Education Building Center

Address: 108 N. Jefferson St. NW, Roanoke, VA 20164

Cost: $215 per person


The Growers Academy is offered through VT EarthWorks, an incubation program for agricultural businesses, in partnership with Virginia Cooperative Extension (

For more information, contact Christy Gabbard, Director of VT Earthworks (tel. 540-767-6114 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 540-767-6114 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; email:, or Sheri Dorn, Virginia Cooperative Extension Roanoke (tel. 540-772-7524 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 540-772-7524 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; email: for more information or to receive a Growers Academy registration form.

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