Greetings! Patrick will represent Full Circle Farm tomorrow with Freshly Milled Whole Grain breads and mixes. We plan to offer our Milk and Honey bread, Spelt Milk and Honey, Seedy Loaf, Baguette, Spelt and Rye Raisin Almond. Don't forget to check out our Locally Grown Wool Hiking socks!! Come check them out and pick out a pair for your eco-friendly hiker to stash for Christmas. Is it ever too early to shop for Christmas?? Beef, pork and lamb will be available next month. See you at the market! Ginger and the rest of the Full Circle Farm, Botetourt gang
Better Batter Baking will not be making it tomorrow (I forgot Virginia Tech plays tomorrow and so I didn't secure babysitting soon enough), but will make it next week.
White Eagle Ranch is in the rabbit business - both live and killed, freezer-packed - both are available right now. Alex & Nancy Kamwell
Earl and I will be at the market tomorrow with our freshly milled whole grain breads. We will have 14 Grain, Oatmeal, Flaxseed, and Cracked Wheat. We will also have some wonderful pumpkin bread with pecans and raisins. We will have a wide variety of jams and jelly's including Crab Apple Jelly and Grape and Black Cherry Jelly, and a good assortment of pickles, and tomatoes, and such. Looking forward to seeing you there tomorrow! Earl and Linda Ruggles
White Oak Dairy will be there with goat cheese and goat milk ricotta cheese cakes.
Little Wasprock Farms (formerly L and D Eggs - long story) will be there with fresh PEARS, pear honey, pear preserves, tomato pies, pound cake, pickles, jams and relishes!
Brambleberry Farm is getting time off for good behavior. If you need eggs, lettuces, chard or peppers, you can contact me at brambleberryfarm@gmail.com
Hillbilly Heaven is going to be there tomorrow. We will have our jams, pickles, Zucchini bread, Banana bread, Spiced pumpkin bread made with our first grown pumpkins, strawberry bulls eye, Oriental Peras Jam ( new ) ( I had too) : ), Fresh made hot pineapple jam ( thanks a bunch Donna for the sell out) of course our crumb buns and cinnamon buns if they raise. See you all there.
Hello All, Berry Ridge Farms will not be at the market on Saturday. We welcomed our 14th grandchild into the world,.so only special preorders and deliveries will be done Saturday, if you need something before next week please call 254-1689 or if you want something special for pick on the 19th let us know before Thursday. Thanks and have a great week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Berries!
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