Friday, August 20, 2010

August 21, 2010 Botetourt Farmers' Market

John Brock will be at the Botetourt Farmers’ Market tomorrow popping kettle corn on site.

Miranda will be at the market 8/21 with freshly baked dessert rolls. Pumpkin, pineapple, strawberry and peach-carmel pecan.

Little Wasprock will be at the Market with Tomato Pies, spelt zucchini bread, banana pepper mustard, peppers, pickles, relishes, jams. jellies and maybe, just maybe, fried apple pies! See you all there!

Terra Prima Farm will be there with Eggs, Personal size Crustless Quiche and Herbs!

Patrick will be representing Full Circle Farm with freshly milled whole
wheat, spelt and rye breads and pizza crusts and granola. See you at the

The Molloys will be roasting coffee beans.

Hillbilly Heaven will be there with surprises.

Bill Shaver has been shrimp fishing. "Jumbo, (swimming in the Pamlico Sound Thursday night) Head on Shrimp in a limited amount.
And whatever grew while I was away"

The pie lady will be at market with lots of chicken and dessert pies.

We always have a few meat and produce vendors who show up with whatever’s available.

That all sounds pretty intriguing, so if you want to find out all the great stuff that came to the market on Saturday you’ll need to be there bright and early -- under the big, new tent!

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