Saturday, July 9, 2011

Local Chickens and Turkeys

Hello! It's Angie and Patricia from the Blue Ridge Poultry Coop. We have a few things to announce:

We have about 20 frozen chickens for sale from our June processing. They are whole and ready for hungry families! If you'd like to arrange to purchase these, please let us know and we'll work out a pick up date. The chickens are $4/lb and weigh from 31/2 to 4lbs.

We'd like to take orders for fall chickens and Thanksgiving turkeys. Please email us with number of chickens you'd like to put in your freezer for the winter (potential processing in late September). We'd also like to go ahead and take turkey reservations for Thanksgiving, so if you'd like to grace your Thanksgiving table with a local, happily raised turkey, please let us know now. We will charge $3.50/lb. for turkeys.

Have a great summer! We look forward to hearing from you!

Patricia and Angie

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