Hillbilly Heaven will be there with Lavender Coffee Cake of course, Apple Oat Bread, Cinnamon Buns, Strudels, Bulls-Eye Cookies, green beans (First of the Season) Lavender Dryer sachets, Lavender Soap ( From Brambleberry Farm ), our delightful Dips and Lavender Helium Balloons. Also, whatever else I'm forgetting to list. I'll have my Lavender shirt on too! Toni and Wayne
The Pickle Lady, Donna Henderson, will be there with pickles and pepper jelly.
Pie Lady will be there with chicken pies, chocolate-pecan pies, maple pecan pies and fresh homemade cherry pies.
We will be there with beets, squash, eggs, spelt zucchini bread with and without flax seeds, pickled beets, cucumber relish and cherry jam! Looking forward to lavender day! Amy et al from Little Wasprock Farm.
Binky and Boris, baby goat guys from Brambleberry Farm, will be standing in for the baby lambs promised. The lambs cannot attend, due to a prior engagement, and the boys will do their best to charm and entertain you. They were raised on bottles, so they think they are special and relate well to human attention! So, if you’ve ever wondered what goats are like up close and personal, this is your chance to find out.
Pigman will be there with the mascot chicken and we will take submissions for the “name the chicken contest.” He’ll bring some produce, too.
Ellen Morrow will have lavender, sage, and apple mint. And lavender candles, of course :)
Randy Deel will have plenty of vegetables and some homegrown mushrooms.
Gret Kidd will be demonstrating lavender wand making.
'See you there.
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