Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Starting and Operating a Food-based business in Virginia"

Presented by the Virginia Agriculture & Food Entrepeneurship Program

Workshop Dates:
Spring 2009 March 30 and April 6

Albemarle County Office Building Room A
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Where do I start?

If you are ready to start your business or if you have a Food Based Business already here are some documents and guides to give some background and general information.

Attend the Workshop
In the spring of 2009, a series of workshops will be held in Albemarle County that will provide information and training on how to start and operate a food-based business in Virginia. The program aims to increase the quality and quantity of regionally produced food and value-added food products as a means to incorporate sustainable agriculture into our local economy. The curriculum will include the following topics:

How to comply with Virginia food processing and food safety regulations

Which inspections and certifications are recommended or required for which products

When food products need to be analyzed and evaluated

How to market and sell locally-made products

How to develop business plans and manage bookkeeping

Panel discussions featuring successful food producers and retailers looking for locally made foods
And more!

The VAFEP will also develop a free downloadable handbook, as well as resources and website links, covering the content of the workshops that will be available through this website.
For more information, contact Dawn Story at (434)-977-2033 or or see: to register. "

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